Engineering Assembly of Russia 2015
Engineering Assembly of Russia annually gathers representatives of state authorities, experts in the field of engineering and top management of industrial enterprises. In 2015 the event lasted three days:
On November 19, there was an excursion to the new production facility of the joint venture «Siemens AG» and «Power machines» – «Siemens-Gas Turbine Technologies».
On November 20, Saint Petersburg state University of Economics hosted the international conference «echnological perspective within the Eurasian space: new markets and points of economic growthraquo;.
On November 21, ITMO University hosted a youth scientific conference and a business game on organizational, technological design and production optimization.
The general partner of Engineering Assembly of Russia was Concern R-Pro .
Siemens-Gas Turbine Technologies LLC is a joint venture of Siemens AG (65%) and Power machines OJSC (35%) that is part of Hi-Tech and engineering Cluster. Siemens-Gas Turbine Technologies LLC was founded in December 2011 and in 2015 it opened its own industrial site. A lot of members of Engineering Club were interested in this new modern production. On November 19 more than 60 guests – participants of Engineering Club and delegates of Engineering Assembly visited the factory.
The official part of the event was opened by Alexey Korablev, President of Concern R-Pro, Chairman of the Board of Cluster “Creonomyсa”, Chairman of the Board of founders of the Engineering club, academician of the Engineering Academy. After that CTO of Siemens-Gas Turbine Technologies LLC Alexander Lebedev said words of welcome. He spoke in detail about the history of the company’s creation. Adviser of CTO Valery Kondratev spoke about the recent history of the company, which today covers an area of 38,000 square meters and has three production areas: welding-procuring, machining and assembling. There are production and assembly of turbines and components in this production complex. In addition, the company has a board and a sales department. At the same time, localization of components is one of the main tasks facing the enterprise. After the official part was followed by a tour of the production, during which guests were able to see the entire cycle of the process of contract engineering of highly efficient gas turbines of capacity above 60 MW, as well as mainline and booster compressor stations with capacity from 6 to 32 MW. Guests have studied the process of manufacturing turbine and examined the new innovative production, are manufactured in compliance with ISO standards.
On November 20, during the second day of the event there was the International scientific conference “Technology foresight within the framework of Eurasia: new markets and economic growth”. The Conference was organized by the Engineering Assembly of Russia jointly with the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and ITMO University with support of the Engineering club. The conference was modeled by Professor, doctor of Economics Olga Korableva, Director of the International center of Economics and business development of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The special representative of the Governor of Saint Petersburg on economic issues Anatoly Kotov welcomed the participants on behalf of the administration of Saint Petersburg. Topical issues of the modern technological perspective, determined by the economic component and innovative development, were considered during the conference. These issues are related to the need to develop the potential of the territories of the Eurasian space, the creating of new markets and the development of integrated approaches to the organization and conduct of business.
On November 21, business game on organizational and technological engineering of production processes and their optimization using the principles of scientific labor organization and implementation of lean production was held at the site of the R&D INDARCS research center in the ITMO University. On November 21, the basic Department of the cluster of high technologies and engineering of ITMO-IITB organized a scientific conference for young scientists, undergraduates and postgraduates. It is symbolic that the three-day marathon of the Engineering Assembly ended with a youth conference, which gave a start to the implementation of new ideas to young engineers and scientists in the future!

Director of the Institute of New Industrial Development. named S.Yu. Witte

President of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy

Chairman of the Board of Cluster Creonomyca, President of the Concern «R-Pro», Russia

Technical Director of Siemens Gas Turbine Technology

Vice-Rector for Science, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, prof.

Special Representative of the Governor of St. Petersburg for Economic Affairs

Doctor of Economics, Prof. Innovative High-Tech Economics Institute «Creonomyca», Russia
Plenary session and section work
Work of sections and master's conference

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Phone: +7 (812) 644-01-26