Engineering Assembly of Russia 2021
The Engineering Assembly of Russia is a large-scale professional forum that determines the promising trends in domestic engineering, the main goal of which is the integration of representatives of business, science, education and government, the development of joint strategic decisions aimed at the effective development of engineering in Russia and increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in modern conditions. In 2021, the event took place on June 9-10.
The Assembly covers such important topics as:
• Digital engineering: creation of digital factories, 3D simulation and optimization of production and logistics processes, offline programming of robots and management of digital factories;
• Industrial engineering: innovative modernization of existing production facilities, creation of new rational production facilities, implementation of Industry 4.0, industrial robotization and artificial intelligence.
Concern R-Pro was the general partner of the Engineering Assembly.
The EAR has been held for more than 10 years and this year, just like in previous ones, interesting and informative reports on engineering were presented to the participants of the event. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to digital engineering. The Russian Engineering Assembly was opened with welcoming words by Anatoly Kotov, Special Representative of the Governor of St. Petersburg for Economic Development, Yulia Antokhina, Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, and Aleksey Korablev, Chairman of the Board of the Cluster Creonomyca. The moderator on the first day of the event was Olga Korableva, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute “Creonomyca”.
The first report was made by the President of the Concern R-Pro Alexey Korablev, the presentation was devoted to modern trends in digital engineering. Then the regional manager for Russia of Visual Components Yana Semenova spoke about the digitalization of business in Visual Components. Delfoi Founder and Executive Vice President Heiki Aalto gave a talk on Digital Twins in Robotics, and Delfoi Oy CEO and Founder Raimo Puro talked about Delfoi Planner software, which is used for advanced production planning, scheduling and control.
The second half of the first day of the EAR was started by Alexey Borovkov, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The topic of his presentation was dedicated to the digital transformation of industry and systems engineering.
Further, Sergey Alekseev, head of the digital production department at the Concern R-Pro, held a master class demonstrating the digital production of the future. And after Anatoly Shevchenko, General Director of “Automatic Machines” and Mikhail Migunov, chief technologist of Borisovsky Plant spoke about the implementation of a Delfoi product at BZMK.
The next speaker was Victoria Litun, Executive Director of R-Pro Concern, who spoke about the success story of digital engineering. The first day of the ISR was completed by Anton Belkovich, CTO of Delta KAM LLC, who presented the Fusion 360 tool for design and production.
The second day of the Engineering Assembly of Russia was dedicated to industrial engineering. The first who make a presentation was Ferdinand Tauber, Development Director of Rethink Robotics GmbH. He spoke about the current trends in collaborative robotics. Dan Nilsson, Inrotech Regional Manager for Russia, presented AI-powered welding robots to the audience. Alexey Korablev, President of the R-Pro Concern spoke about R-Pro solutions in the field of industrial robotization. Then Flander Make R&D Manager, Gregory Pinte, shared about the development of Industry 4.0 in his company.
After a short break, on the final day of the ISR, Dmitry Kapishnikov, General Director of KUKA Russia, spoke about the industrial robot market, further trends in robotics, the role of KUKA, as well as modern growth and development. Representatives of Suprotec – Yuri Lavrov, Director of the Scientific and Technical Department and Sergey Reshetnikov, Chief Power Engineer of the company, presented the tribotechnical compositions of SUPROTEK. Then Alexey Korablev, director of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business, spoke about the trainings of the institute. Evgeny Shapiro, Director of the St. Petersburg Industry Development Fund spoke about the main objectives of the fund. The final report was delivered by Dmitry Semenov, General Director of Macro EMC LLC. He spoke about the production, design and development of the GC Macro Group.
The program of the Engineering Assembly of Russia included not only the speeches of the speakers, but also the signing of the agreement. The Cluster Creonomyca and the Russia – Latin America Business Center have signed a cooperation agreement on the sidelines of the Russian Engineering Assembly 2021. The cluster brings together leading companies that work in the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions located in the northwest region, and the «Russia – Latin America» promotes the products of Russian manufacturers and technologies to the Latin American market and Latin American manufacturers and suppliers to the Russian market, and also provides support for export-import transactions.
Most of the EAR participants highly appreciated the level of its implementation and expressed interest in regular visits.

Rethink Robotics, Chief business development officer, Germany

Chairman of the Board of Cluster Creonomyca, President of the Concern «R-Pro», Russia

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation of the St. Petersburg polytechnic university, Russia

CEO «KUKA Robotics», Russia

Delfoi, Executive Vice President, Finland

Rector of SUAI University, Russia

Special representative of the Governor of Saint Petersburg for economic development, Russia

R&D Manager Flanders Make, Belgium

CEO, «Delfoi», Finland

COO, Concern «R-Pro», Russia

Director of the St. Petersburg Industry Development Fund, Russia

Petrogradskaya emb., 22
Phone: +7 (812) 644-01-26